To help businesses save time, costs and perform remote transactions with VietABank in a fast, secure and convenient manner. VietABank provides businesses with fax transaction solutions under a stringent and professional process.
- Customers: Applied to customers who are businesses wishing to perform transactions via fax.
- Fax transactions provided by VietABank: Deposit account transactions, guarantee transactions, trade finance transactions, loan transactions, foreign exchange transactions.
- Time and cost efficiency for customers.
- Fast, accurate and secure transactions.
- Bridged geographical distance between businesses and VietABank.
- Simultaneous performance of multiple transactions.
- Simple, convenient and optimal way to use the service
- Dedicated consulting and support by professionals.
- Application documents
- Fax transaction contract.
- Other documents as prescribed.
For more information about the program/product, please contact:
- Hotline: 1900 555 590
- Or the nearest VietABank transaction points nationwide.