VietABank's Internet Banking system for corporate customers provides businesses with a convenient, fast, safe and secure payment channel. Your company has the opportunity to experience services such as query, transaction management, etc. right on the Internet Banking channel of the Bank.

Highlight benefits
Full waiver of up-front registration and monthly fees
Seamless access anytime, anywhere via the Internet
24/7 instant banking transactions at affordable fees
Safe, secure, time and cost efficient
Integrate salary payments and funds transfer transactions based on the list.
Product features
Account information management:
- Check account balances, transaction history, etc.
- Check card information, card statements, etc.
- Manage transaction information, spending, visualize monthly balance changes on charts.
- Manage account templates and list of beneficiary accounts.
Funds transfer service
- Intra-bank transfer within VietABank;
- 24/7 Instant Interbank Funds Transfer via card number and account number;
- Inter-bank funds transfer to all banks in the country;
- Batch funds transfer to multiple accounts in the list.
- Set a recurring transfer schedule.
Payment & top-up service
- Pay bills for essential services: Utilities, television, Internet, telephone, air tickets, train tickets, etc.
- Mobile top-up, scratch cards, TV renewal, game cards, etc.
- Sign up for automatic monthly payment of service bills.
- Payment of insurance premium, financial loans, credit cards, etc.
Register and use the service
Register at the nearest VietABank transaction points. Hotline: 1900 555 590
Registration documents: Valid ID card/passport/citizen card
How to use Internet Banking
List of payment service providers
Phone support: 1900 555 590